One of the locksmith tool is the mortising machine. Please find below, the characteristics of the MADELIN SA standard mortising machine :
- Produces a full mortice (face plate and case) in 5 min
- On aluminium or wood doors up to 55 mm thick
- Self-centring carriage (saves on marking time)
- Stops and guides to avoid any excess depth or height cut
- Is used with a 13 mm plug-in mandrel driller, capacity: 700 to 800W (recommended speed 2,500 to 3,000 rpms)
- Many options available
Maximum depth : 170 mm (180 mm without the abutment)
Track spread : maximum 55 mm
Standard mortising machine
Standard carriage Réf. 5900.200
Long axe for screw-in cutter Réf. 5900D.01
Wood cutter with carbide inserts Ø 16.2 mm Réf. 5918.16
Wood cutter with carbide inserts Ø 19 mm Réf. 5918.19
Wood cutter with carbide inserts Ø 20 mm Réf. 5918.20
Carrying case
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