Super comfort kit


Super comfort kit

Product reference : 5000SC

1 970,00

Super comfort kit.
Your solution to 90% of your jobs against cylinders, bolt locks, flat-key flush-mounted locks or dimple locks (without defenders). It contains all the necessary tools for extraction and CME opening jobs.


A locksmith set essential for professional.

It is composed of basic tools, useful to all locksmiths for quick openings.

The set contains extractor tools and its accessories.

These tools are made for the extraction of European cylinders, bolt barrels and flush-mounted locks (without defenders), flat key locks and dimple locks. Also, extraction even if the cylinder does not stick out and extraction of a selection of reinforced cylinders are possible.

Also, the set contains a cylinder breaker and its accessories.

A usefull tool for breaking self-contained locks in 2 parts with a 4-5 mm extension, for breaking reinforced cylinder with a very short extension (1-2 mm) or for breaking locks with a reinforced spacer and a 5-7 mm extension.

Moreover, the set contains an electric pick gun and its accessories.

This tool is for picking of European locks, bolt barrels or flat-key flush-mounted locks. It does not damage the cylinder.

Finally, it contains small equipment.

These tools are spring bolt wafers for slammed doors, broken keys extractor. They enable to drill the axes and drill-proof tumblers and to extract clips for pin tumblers or disc locks.


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Additional information

Weight 11,36 kg


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Design - manufacture

Tools designed and manufactured in France by MADELIN S.A.

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