NINJA DARK: mechanical key cutting machine


NINJA DARK: mechanical key cutting machine

Product reference : K-NINJA-DARK

6 250,00

Ninja Dark is a high-precision automatic key-cutting machine that uses a copying technique to cut keys on one or both sides.


Ninja Dark is a high-precision automatic duplicating machine to cut by copy single and double sided flat keys.

The quickest and simplest key copying.

The speed of the duplicating function is unrivaled, with single step key cutting, maximum precision, and reliability. Simply insert the keys and press the quick-copy button, Ninja Dark will take care of the rest. Ninja Dark offers extraordinary operational ease made possible with an LED lit work area, gauge control, and a micrometric and scaled system of tracer point calibration for depth adjustment.

Compact dimensions and an attractive design for unlimited use, from the shop to the van.

The compact and sleek design optimizes the functionality of every work environment in both large and small areas.

Ninja Dark opens the door to the key business of the third millennium.

Ninja Dark allows the progression from basic key copying to advanced key cutting functions thanks to the easy integration of a dedicated digital touch-screen console, which can be purchased separately. Virtually infinite expansion options transform Ninja Dark into the most advanced electronic key-cutting machine for edge-cut keys.

Additional information

Weight 20,200 kg


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Tools designed and manufactured in France by MADELIN S.A.

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